In June 2021, as part of the United Kingdom’s (UK) 2050 Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener, the UK Government issued Action Note PPN 06/21 which, from September 2021, made it mandatory for organisations bidding on UK public sector tenders, with a contracted value of over £5mn per annum, to have committed to Net Zero by 2050 at the latest.
The notice also requires organisations in scope to have implemented both carbon footprint reporting and a carbon reduction strategy clearly outlining the current environmental measures in place and also the future decarbonisation initiatives that will be implemented.
PPN 06/21 applies to all Central Government Departments, their Executive Agencies and Non-Departmental Public Bodies and therefore these organisations should apply this action when procuring goods, services, and works subject to the UK Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
Together with reporting on emissions originating within scope 1 and scope 2, the action also requires in-scope organisations to partially report on scope 3 emissions including the following categories: S3C4 – Upstream transportation and distribution, S3C5 – Waste generated in operations, S3C6 – Business travel, S3C7 – Employee commuting, and S3C9 – Downstream transportation and distribution.
If your organisation needs to pull a plan together, contact us. World Kinect has the expertise and the resource to help you analyse your operations and recommend a path tailored to meet your carbon reduction targets, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy solutions, and carbon offsetting.
Whether you are in scope of PPN 06/21 or not, World Kinect has the expertise and the resource needed to help you analyse your operations and recommend a path tailored to meet your carbon reduction targets. From carbon footprint reporting and energy efficiency to renewable energy solutions and carbon offsetting we meet you where your needs are … Please get in touch today!