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Top Takeaways: Get Kinected. London, UK

Get Kinected seminar, London: exploring key energy and fuel trends from 2022, and beyond

In late October, World Kinect Energy Services welcomed delegates from across the UK and beyond to the inaugural Get Kinected seminar in London.

One of several key customer seminars hosted by World Kinect across the globe this year, the London event attracted host of our key clients, along with external partners and subject matter experts, for a programme designed to explore the latest trends in energy and fuel.

Like no other organisation, World Kinect is uniquely positioned to help our local, regional, and national customers to source energy and fuel, manage price and operational risk, and to reduce their carbon footprints. 

These three stands offered the structure behind our seminar agenda which explored topics that included renewable energy, the volatility of the energy markets, the role that carbon offsetting should play, and the future of hydrogen in the energy mix, with presentations followed by a lively Q&A.

In case you missed it, here’s a summary of what was covered:

Managing spend in volatile markets

Price risk management

On-site solar

The journey to net zero

Renewable liquid fuels

Carbon offsets

Hydrogen - the fuel of the future?

What did we learn?

The seminar gave attendees the opportunity to ask important questions to leading experts in sessions that educated and highlighted the risks and potential opportunities coming in the near future. Interesting highlights emerged such as achieving net zero being a competitive advantage for businesses, renewable fuel and energy options continuing to grow in prominence and availability as the energy transition gathers pace, although are not yet able to fully displace fossil fuels, and the importance of risk management in today’s volatile energy markets.

For information on our 2023 seminar scheduled, be sure to follow our World Kinect LinkedIn page.